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The Adult Education Service Balbriggan and Swords is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union

All applicants are invited to complete an assessment prior to being offered a place on a course. The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that you are offered a place on a course which is at the right level for you and appropriate to your needs.

This assessment will help identify an applicant’s level of literacy, numeracy, language and IT Skills.

The assessment will include:

  • Reading and Comprehension
  • Writing
  • Maths
  • IT Skills

The process takes approximately 2- 2:30 hours. The results of the assessment will indicate options open to learners.

There are a number of possible outcomes/options to the assessment depending on individual results.

  • An applicant is deemed suitable for the course and is invited to register or attend interview prior to placement on the course they applied for or
  • An applicant is identified as requiring to build their skills at a lower level to their original application. These applicants are informed of their options and invited to register for a different course at a lower level to develop their capacity to progress to a higher level or
  • Applicants are identified as having a literacy issue (Reading, Writing or Maths). These applicants are invited to meet with the Adult Literacy Co-ordinator to discuss their learning options or
  • Applicants are identified as having an English Language issue as English is not their first language. These applicants are referred to our ESOL service to access a course to suit their learning needs regarding English Language. or
  • Referred to Adult Education Guidance and Information Service to explore options