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The Adult Education Service Balbriggan and Swords is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union

Community Education Programme

Adult Education Service Swords and Balbriggan delivers a vibrant, multi-strand Community Education programme within the Fingal catchment area. Community education plays a key role in personal empowerment, citizenship and social inclusion.

Courses that may initially seem like “Hobby” courses have a much greater role in community enhancement. Courses such as Gardening can lead to the creation of a community garden/general area where the whole community have an opportunity to gain enjoyment from the skills learned by students on such a course.

Alternatively, an Art group or an Irish Language group springs into existence as a result of skills and motivation gained on a community education course. In other words, community education is more than just a course. It provides so much more than just a physical skill learned. It improves self-confidence, enhances civic participation, and allows individuals an opportunity to take their first step back to further education and training.

The Community Education programme extends throughout the North County Dublin area. The Service works in partnership with approximately 30 organisations/groups each year. Partners range from statutory agencies such as Fingal County Council to independent community groups working on behalf of their own community.

In recent years community education courses were in 30 locations throughout North Fingal. Courses included; Art, Crafts, Voter Education, Community Development, Committee Skills, Computers, Internet & E-mail, Personal Development, Irish, Spanish, English for Speakers of Other Languages, Photography, Gardening, Drama, Yoga, Keep Fit, Cookery, Nutrition, Parenting, Interculturalism and Drama.

How to Apply:

Applications for community education courses are via the partner organisations.


SwordsTel: 01 840 8946